November, 2004 - George H. W. Bush, Former President
“I would like to recognize your achievement and support for cancer research and global participation for people around the world.”
Our most important recognition comes from serving our clients and knowing that we are a partner in growing their businesses. Our ongoing commitment to excellence stems from our shared desire to help clients accomplish their goals.
“I would like to recognize your achievement and support for cancer research and global participation for people around the world.”
“I am pleased to extend my warmest congratulations to you for being selected to serve on the National Institutes of Health’s National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities. This recognition serves as a tribute to your exemplary leadership and community involvement. Your work helps to address the issue regarding health inequalities. It will have a major impact on the quality of human health. Your commitment to the broader good is especially commendable and necessary during these challenging times.”
``The work you have done with the U.S. Chief Technology Office and with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy leadership has been particularly beneficial in the planning and development of the resources necessary to operationalize 21st century information-based, personalized medicine. The tremendous work that you have done for cancer patients and the National Cancer Institute can only express a small portion of the immense gratitude felt by all those whose lives you have touched and whose vision you have supported. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. I hope for a long and fruitful relationship with NCI as we both work toward making a difference in the lives of all those who suffer with cancer.``
``I wanted to share with you the publication that came out today, about the DAIDS-ES, and thank you for the support, advice, encouragement, and wise experience that you gave so generously and meant so much to me. It's a proud day for all of us.``
“It is with the greatest appreciation that I write to thank you for your great personal and corporate support for the Inova Health System. Your tremendous insight and thought leadership as a Special Advisor to Inova's President and CEO have been invaluable to furthering Inova's goals, particularly in the areas of research and information technology. We very much appreciate the great support, advice and generosity that you and CTIS have provided to Inova, Thanks again for your outstanding leadership and support. We are excited about your continued involvement in making our vision a reality.”
“As we continue our successful relationship with CTIS Inc. and continue the development of the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program - Enterprise System (CTEP-ESYS) into an enterprise-wide biomedical informatics program, I would like to take this opportunity to express how pleased I am that CTIS is my partner. As an organization CTIS performs critical work in the national interest as part of the National Cancer Institute’s ongoing expansion of clinical informatics solutions to enhance cancer therapy and treatment.”
“I wanted to thank CTIS for the role played in launching the DAIDS Enterprise System (DAIDS-ES). Your knowledge, dedication, and commitment brought all of us to a major milestone of accomplishment. On behalf of the Division of AIDS, and the entire Institute, I commend you for your outstanding work, and look forward to continued successes through our partnership. Together, we will help find effective preventions and treatments for people with HIV throughout the world. And, if along the way, we encounter adverse experiences, we’ll have the world’s best way of detecting them so as to provide the greatest possible protection for the volunteers that make our research possible.”
``I would like to say again that I have tremendous respect for you and for the not years but decades of experience you have in the health information arena and in the world of business. I appreciate very much all you have done for me personally for INOVA and for NCI. I continue to learn from you - hopefully for many years to come. You have been and are extremely successful as a business man and as a result have accumulated many friends and personal resources. I think you have successfully reached that stage in life when you have the opportunities to be a great initiator and facilitator. The ITMI is but one such example. This is a tremendous recognition of your accomplishments. You are now the mentor and the teacher.``
“The quality of the CTIS team spoke to the commitment your organization has to effectively utilize information to improve the quality and safety of patient care. Each of our participating healthcare providers is now better able to assess their readiness and requirements to integrate into a healthcare network. And our consumers now have a tool to control and manage their healthcare.”
“Thank you for your generosity in supporting the GW Cancer Institute’s Community by Community Cancer Control Campaign to promote screening and early detection of prostate cancer.”
“We are grateful for the long history of your collaboration and support of INCTR and your contribution to the creation of Open Health Systems Laboratory (OHSL) as a global initiative for innovation in health systems leveraging informatics across the entire spectrum, education, research and delivery. CTIS also developed the clinical trials web based application which has been in use for several years in a number of Indian centers. To date, over 450 patients have been accrued to this study. CTIS provided all technical support required for the construction and maintenance of these applications. We would like to take this opportunity to express how pleased we are to have CTIS as our partner. What we value most is your vision and thought leadership.”
“Our efforts could not have been as successful if it were not for your dedication and understanding of our mission. Your work and advancement in helping this nation and the world bring cancer under control will be a lifetime achievement for all of us.”
“Thank you very much for serving on the task force for the Ignite Institute. Our goal is to develop and implement disruptive medical solutions to reduce suffering from chronic disease on a populationwide level as well as to reduce health care expenditures – the implementation of personalized medicine. It would not have been possible to launch this institute without your help and expert guidance.”
“It is generous and committed people like you who allow our ministries to endure in the face of constantly increasing needs. We are grateful for all that CTIS employees do on our behalf. As we continue to make progress in our plans of opening the permanent clinic in Rockville, we appreciate your support in making this a reality.”
“As we provide primary health care to more than 5,000 uninsured, underinsured, and homeless individuals Thank you again for your continuous support of MobileMed and of those we all seek to serve.”
“We are in grateful appreciation of your years of unselfish commitment, dedication and efforts in support of the Washington Cancer Institute. The effect of your commitment has changed the thinking of what must be done to position the WCI as the “cancer center of choice” in the Washington region.”
“Your support is a much appreciated acknowledgement of the activities that provide on-going education and assistance to the patients and survivors of prostate cancer as well as their families and caregivers. It is through generous recognition such as yours that we can continue to make a difference in the fight against this dreaded disease.”