Microsoft Partner Gold Server Platform
CTIS attained Microsoft Gold Partnership for Microsoft Server Platform Competency status, the highest partner level program within Microsoft, for the sixth consecutive year.
CTIS believes in a holistic approach to the future of public health. That is why we proudly serve our community; we work to earn respect from our clients and peers. Our firm is honored to receive the following awards and honors for its hard work in health and information technology:
CTIS attained Microsoft Gold Partnership for Microsoft Server Platform Competency status, the highest partner level program within Microsoft, for the sixth consecutive year.
CTIS received the Best Practices Award from Bio-IT World
CTIS received the Champions in Global Health Award by Global Virus Network (GVN) for unwavering support and generosity in founding and building the GVN.
CTIS is a certified Health Level Seven International (HL7) organization. CTIS has supported HL7’s mission of developing a cost-effective approach to system connectivity by becoming a 2011 Organizational Member.
CTIS received Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI) Maturity Level 3 certification. The Level 3 rating indicates that CTIS’ software processes are defined and institutionalized across the organization.
CTIS was recognized for seven consecutive years as one of Deloitte’s Fast 50 growing technology companies in Maryland. The awards are made based on the last five years of a company’s growth. CTIS has achieved an annual 22.8% aggregate growth rate over the last seven years
CTIS received the 2010 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Merit Award for the Division Of AIDS (DAIDS) Protocol Registration System, for recognition of outstanding contributions and performance on the protocol registration project that resulted in improving operations critical to NIAID research.
Our CTEP Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) received the 2014 NIH Merit Award.
CTIS developed Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program - Enterprise System (CTEP-ESYS) was rated by the U.S. Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) number 2 out of 6 major NIH investments (214 total investments) with a CPIC score of 9.7 (out of 10). The score also places the CTEP-ESYS 4th out of the 75 major Department Health and Human Services (DHHS) investments (651 total investments).
CTEP's IT investment was ranked the number one priority investment. The ranking is part of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Exhibit 300, a capital asset plan submitted for major IT systems and IT budget initiatives at DHHS. The OMB CTEP report shows an over 265% Return on Investment (ROI) to the government with an ROI average of over 300% for the last five years.
British Medical Journal voted CancerNet™ as the world’s most comprehensive source of clinical oncology trials data.
The CancerNet™ service that CTIS operated and supported for NCI was voted as one of the world’s 50 best websites by CIO Magazine
CTIS received Computerworld’s Best Practice Award for Infrastructure Management in the Security, Risk Management, and Business Continuity/Dynamic Information category. This is recognition of our contributions to the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) and the National Cancer Institute.